This is a very interesting fanmail that Aleksey recieved on his myspace account:

Oi.. hello

Congratulations!! for the cheerful work with the music, you much adored here in Brazil, for the Igudesman and Joo, I wait what at some moment comes here, and well when to renovations, I think what concerteza Mozart would be going to adore to these renovations, apartir of the joy, that we create the courage during one more day, with the Music that in the life there they were finding several ways, of such a new way, here in Brazil the classics are still not very known, but when it is shown by such enthusiasm they move to all, and what bewitched me went to see the quality of the sound, the music is clear and with the emotion, and to dance with the violin and dificil, what I would like doing more I am still an apprentice, to touch the violin when he is singing it it will be .. rs
excuse if the text to contain mistakes.
much joy, an embrace..

Well, all we can say is thank you Lucis, we know just what you mean.